Saturday, August 13, 2011

Somalia Human Tragedy and the Overpopulation Hoax

I was reading the NBC NEWS World Blog on the human tragedy unfolding in Somalia and I encountered some postings that pinned the reason for this catastrophe on overpopulation. One of these actually declared that: “Every born baby is a new tragedy”.  I reacted with the posting below:
No, people! Every child is a blessing from God not a tragedy! The western overpopulation ideology has been proven to be a big hoax. It has resulted in: populations that are top heavy with old and ageing folks who require constant care that is supplied mostly by immigrant work force; social security and other social safety nets that are in the throes of death because the young work force is too lean to finance them as their grand fathers did for their fathers; countries like China whose population policies with its attendant infanticide of girl babies force them to cross borders to look for wives; women who repudiate their "special genius" to nurture life", and have to be "bribed" in some countries to bear children; a disposable mentality vis a vis life that spurns murderous crimes, abortions and the so called mercy killing; etc, etc. The reason people are starving and dying in Somalia is not because there are too many children, but because those of us who live a life of plenty have failed to heed the biblical injunction "not to avert our eyes" from our brothers' suffering. On a macro geopolitical level, the reason we have been slow to react to Somalia’s tragedy could also be, as Christiane Amanpour said regarding Rwanda, because "they are small, black and have no oil!"

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